YIA 2018

"Sold" by Sacha Morzy
YIA 2018

Posant des gommettes à l'YIA
Adjugé vendu, l'YIA est à moi !

Posing dots stickers at YIA,
YIA is sold, YIA is mine !

Taking the red stickers dots used to signify a sell,
I've got around the entire art fairs, sticking dots
everywhere in order to signify that the entire art fair from
art pieces, to galleries, to the monument sharing the event itself
were all sold and bought by and for the people.

It was also a funny way to reference in dada way
the movement support/surface, or BMPT taking this time literaly
the question of art, and the art market seen with a total objectivity.
Funny enough, in total opposition to those cited movements
an unexpected poetry is randomly appearing from those
lines of dots, like a music score.

Claude Viallat used to say about their work : «
Dezeuze painted paintings without canvas, I painted paintings without frames and Saytour the image of the frame on the canvas. »

I'm not painting the canvas, nor the frames, but merely the nothingness without canvas nor frames that reflects the art market, the shimmer of nothingness

Art fairs have varicella, I am bleeding them like medieval doctors used to cure.

I am making Miro for blinds, or Mozart for deaf, in fairs , poetry is mute.

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